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Equal Pay Claims - EAT Reconsiders Material Factor Defence

An employer will be able to defeat an equal pay claim under the Equality Act 2010 if it can show...

Breach of Warranty Claim Can Go to Trial

After a company has been purchased, any allegations that the seller is in breach of warranties...

Lidl Succeeds in Trade Mark Infringement Claim

The Court of Appeal has ruled on a dispute between supermarket giants Lidl and Tesco, upholding...

Supreme Court Rules on Strike Action Protections

The Supreme Court has handed down its decision in a long-running case concerning whether...

Wrong Address a Reasonable Excuse for Landlord

Landlords would be well advised to ensure all records regarding their properties are kept up to...

Former Group Company's Fees Subject to VAT

Supplies between companies in the same VAT group are disregarded for VAT purposes by virtue of...

New National Minimum Wage Rates

The National Minimum Wage (Amendment) Regulations 2024 came into force on 1 April and provided...

Partner Who Resigned Entitled to Share of Partnership Assets

When partners resign or retire from a partnership, the partnership agreement will normally govern...

Legal Obligations and Menopause - New Employer Guidance

New guidance aimed at helping employers to understand their legal obligations relating to...

Law Commission Proposes Crypto-Token Law Reform

The Law Commission has proposed draft legislation regarding a third category of personal property...

Court Finds Clarity in Cloudy Cider Trade Mark Dispute

Trade mark disputes often revolve around the perceived level of confusion that products might...

Marks & Spencer Claims Planning Victory at High Court

A High Court challenge brought by Marks & Spencer (M&S) has resulted in victory for the...

Will Employment Tribunal Fees Be Reintroduced?

The UK government has launched consultations on the reintroduction of fees for claimants who want...

VAT Registration Threshold Increased

Following changes announced in the UK's Spring Budget Statement, the VAT registration threshold...

HSE Bidding to Reduce Asbestos Exposure in the Workplace

Reducing asbestos exposure in the workplace is a major thrust of a new awareness campaign launched...
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