Break Notice Solicitors

Conditions attached to break notices need to be complied with exactly.

Failure to do so can be problematic and give rise to serious financial consequences, with tenants finding themselves left with the liability of an unwanted lease until its term expires. In the current economic climate, many landlords are scrutinising their tenant’s break notices in minute detail to find any possible reason to reject them. Smooth Commercial Law have a wealth of experience acting for both tenants and landlords, guiding them through the entire process.

How we can help?

At Smooth Commercial Law we will ensure that you are advised of key dates and conditions attached to the break notices. We advise tenants on how best to comply with any conditions attached to break options. On the other hand, we advise landlords on whether the conditions have been met, and where the option to break has not been validly exercised, how to enforce the tenant’s covenants going forward.